Potential bioenergy options in developed countries and their possible impact.
1. Abstract This paper presents potential bioenergy options in developed countries. Key figures indicating the potential of biomass based solid fuels, gaseous and liquid fuels have been indicated. Technologies used to produce these fuels have been dealt with briefly. Economic, social and technical have been studied and potential solutions have been suggested. The impact on social, economical and on the environments forms utilization of these bioenergy options have been dealt in the context of developed countries.
Bioenergy is physical energy extracted from biomass. It can be electricity produced from biomass, cooling or heating, biofuels such as biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel and so on. It is an environmentally friendly, cost-effective and locally available source of energy. Currently, energy from biomass accounts for 15 percent of energy consumed worldwide and for up to 90 percent in some developing countries. (Leena Fagernäs et.al, 2006) Developing countries can be benefited from these resources in creating income and labor opportunities, alleviating food security problems and poverty. In developed countries, bioenergy contributes a lot in reducing oil dependency and boosting their economy. The dependence of the EU on energy imports is already 50%. (Leena Fagernäs et.al, 2006) Some of the barriers to the utilization of these resources are lack of capital, lack of knowledge, misinformation on environmental impacts, wrong policy focus, technological limitations and cost of energy. Some solutions can be effective government leadership and incentives, knowledge transfer, research and development activities towards efficient low cost method of utilization.
3.1 What is Bioenergy?
Biomass, Biofuels and Bioenergy are commonly used terms. Biomass is defined as "an organic material which has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy" (Aki Tilli, 2003,pp 4).It includes, woody biomass, the residues of the wood processing industry, energy crops, agricultural residues and agro-food effluents, manures as well as the organic fraction of municipal solid waste or source-separated household waste and sewage sludge. Biofuels are fuels produced from biomass. They can be in gaseous as biogas, liquid as biodiesel or solid state. Bioenergy is physical energy extracted from biomass. It can be electricity produced from biomass, cooling or heating, biofuels such as biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel and so on. Biomass can be converted to biofuels and the biofuels thus obtained is converted in to bioenergy, which is the usable form.
3.2 What is potential?
It may be perceived that potential bioenergy options are those that are abundantly available in a given location. Availability by itself is not enough. Some times resource utilization is hurdled by technical and economical barriers. Abundantly available resource may not be technically or economically viable to utilize. For instance, solar energy is potential resource as there is huge irradiation falling on the surface of the earth. But the world is not technologically well advanced to enable wide spread utilization of the resource. Also, in some countries the applications can be expensive as compared to other energy options. Hence potential resources are those that are abundantly available and technologically as well as economically viable to utilize in the current or near future technological or economical status of countries. Also the utilization of this resource should bring about substantial economic growth and sustainable development. It is also important to notice that these definitions may have different meanings in the context of developed and developing countries with different economical and technological status.
3.3 Problem formulation
Developing countries that lack fossil fuels are heavily dependant on imported fuel. Their economy is affected by increasing oil prices and price volatility. As a result their development activities are slowed. Developed countries are also dependant to a significant amount on import of energy. Increase use of fossil fuels also leads to problems of climate change and shortage of energy supply as these fuels are non renewable. There are also lack of committed government policies, lack of awareness, and ignorance of the environment and sustainability in the technological development.
3.4 Objectives
General objectives
The general objective of this project is to study potential bioenergy options in developing and developed countries indicating their potential in some representative countries. It is also the aim of this project to study the impact of harnessing these resources on economy, environment and other areas. Barriers are also indicated. Set of conclusions and recommendations end the project. Specific objectives
• Identify and quantify the bioenergy potentials of representative developed countries.
• Describe the technologies to used to harness these resources
• Study barriers to utilization of bioenergy resources in these countries and suggest some general solutions.
• Illustrate possible impacts on the economy, social life and the environment. 3.5 Scope
The scope of this project is to study potential bioenergy options in developed and developing countries and to study the ways of utilization. It also focuses on various barriers to utilization of Bioenergy both in developing and developed countries suggesting some general solutions. The study also includes possible positive and negative impacts of utilization of these resources in the economy, social life and environment of these countries. Expected out comes
The outcomes of the project are:
• Potential bioenergy options in developed countries are identified.
• Barriers and solutions to the utilization of these resources are explained
• Impacts on the economy, social life and environment of both developed and developing countries are illustrated.
The main methodology used in this project is literature review. Data are collected and interpreted. The main sources are IEA website and publications form science direct and annual energy reviews.
5.1 Introduction
Energy security, dependence on energy import and increased consumption of energy are some of the drivers in utilization of renewable resources in developed countries. The main renewables are biomass, wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy. Wind, solar and biomass are the new renewables of major focus in these countries.
The figure below shows share of renewables in the production of primary energy.
Figure 3.1. Share of different renewable energy sources in the primary energy production (in ktoe) in the EU25 during the years 1996-2001 (Modified from Leena Fagernäs et.al, 2006, pp. 13)
Figure 1 shows that biomass contributes to the larger share of primary energy supply in the EU since 2001. Biomass and waste can be used as solid fuels, gaseous and liquid fuels.
The figure below shows the gross electricity generation in 2005 for US and Canada.
Figure 3.2 gross electricity productions in GWh in USA and Canada in 2005 form various renewables. (Source data are taken form international energy agency IEA website)
Similarly the figure shows biomass contributes a lot in gross electricity generation mean while solar and wind contribute to smaller fraction.
Therefore, in developed world biomass is the major contributor while renewables like solar, wind and geothermal are significantly untouched at least in the time frame considered.
5.2 Future targets
The above statistics have shown that the share of biomass has been very significant. The EU has set strategies like the white paper and the green paper in increase further the contribution of biomass, biofuels and others in the supply of primary energy.
5.1.1 The white paper The EU has adopted a paper that helps to promote renewable energy supply. It aimed at sustainable development, energy security and environmental protection. Specifically, the paper set a goal to double the contribution of renewables in the energy supply from 6% to 12% by 2010, tripling the share of biomass to 135Mtoe, 21% share of green electricity and biofuels supply 5.75% of transportation fuels. Also by the year 2020, 20% share of biofuels in the transport sector has been planned. (European commission, 1997) In order to reach these goals, Europe has to produce additional 52.7Mtoe form solid biofuels up to 2010. (Eija Alakangas et.al, 2003)
5.1.2 The green paper
The paper is concerned with energy supply security which aims at reducing the risks associated with dependence for energy on other nations. As a result its targets are diversifying the import of energy, improved energy efficiency to reduce consumption and increased used of renewable energy sources. With the implementation of these targets, biomass will be major contributors in the foreseeable time.
5.3 Potential bioenergy options
Regarding the future goals for bioenergy, a lot of questions can be envisioned. How much are the potentials of biomass and waste in developed countries especially in EU and North America? How can these potentials be utilized? What are the barriers and the solutions? What are the outcomes?
5.3.1 Biomass
Biomass energy sources are the agriculture, forestry, industry and wastes. Presently, biomass accounts for 14% of the world final energy consumption, 25% of which is consumed in developed countries. (Leena Fagernäs et.al, 2006). Among these counties are the Europe and North America. Biomass energy in Europe
In the EU15, agriculture occupies 40% of the total land area and nearly 30% of the continent land is covered with forest. The total energy potential of waste, municipal, sewage gas sludge, landfill gas and demolition wood is estimated to be 18Mtoe for EU 15. In 1998, biomass contributed 3% of primary energy in EU most of which is wood and straw used for heating. (Dr.Ing.G. Grassi, 1998)
As shown in the table, EU production of biomass increases the potential available in the future and hence, there is still huge potential to be used as compared to the consumption. The biggest potential seems to lie in forest residues and agro biomass (Eija Alakangas et.al, 2007) Biomass in North America
The total biomass energy potential in North America is 19.9EJ/annum.Woody biomass constitutes 12.8, energy crops.4.1, straw 2.2 and other 0.8EJ/a.The use has been estimated to 3.1Ej/a. which represents a huge potential still available. (Leena Fagernäs et.al, 2006)
The chart below shows the current use and potential of forest biomass in US.
Fig. 3.3 US forest biomass resource millions dry tons/year. Source: (S. Kent Hoekman, 2008)
As shown in the fig. forest biomass is has large potential in supply of energy in the US.
5.3.2 Biomass markets
The most traded biomass fuel is pellets. Pellets are the most compact form of solid biofuels, so the transport costs per energy unit is lowest. In addition, introducing pellets in an existing plant usually requires less modification at the plant compared with more heterogeneous fuels. The global annual pellet production is 4 million tons. (Eija Alakangas, et.al, 2007)
6.3 Waste to energy
Municipal solid waste can be fermented to produce biogas. Incineration is another option to produce heat. Wastes can also serve as feed for gasification, combustion and pyrolysis technologies. Mixed MSW has an average carbon content of 25 %. (Leena Fagernäs et.al, 2006). The production of biomass residues such as food by products, fiber and forest production exceeds 111EJ/year. (Eric D, Larson, 1993)
Cost like other bioenergy options is a major barrier. Additionally environmental concern is a key issue as energy conversion processes has to balance inertisation of waste streams, maximizing energy generation and restricting emissions. It was stated that some residues can not be used because of collection and transport would be prohibitive and agronomic conditions require recycling to the land. (Eric D, Larson, 1993)
Waste to energy conversion is technically constrained due to poor homogeneity of mixed waste hence waste incineration requires special waste fraction or sorting .While supply is not barrier; calorific value of the waste varies by season and region, making the design difficult. Lack of public acceptance is a non technical barrier and can be improved through public information on environmental data of plants in their regions.
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