Monday, 26 January 2009

wind and solar energy

Renewable Energy Solutions - Wind And Solar Power is more difficult to define than you might imagine. Since it is a catchall phrase for a variety of energy sources, any definition has to be broad. With this in mind, let's define renewable energy as any energy source that naturally occurs and is very abundant.

Ironically, almost all renewable energy sources rely on nuclear power. Fortunately, the nuclear power is in the form of the sun at the heart of our solar system. One giant nuclear reaction, the sun produces solar radiation and sunlight that is converted on our planet into energy through natural resources. In one form or another, sunlight is the basis for solar power, wind energy, biomass power, and so on. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, are a form of biomass energy, but an ancient one with resource limits and brutal side effects in the form of pollutants.

Renewable Energy Facts

Solar Energy is the most basic and direct form of renewable energy. Depending on the type of platform used, sunlight is converted directly into electricity or heat. Solar energy is considered a renewable energy because it will exist for as long as the sun, which should be over 4 billion years. Once the sun burns out, we will have much larger problems than energy!

Wind energy is another form of solar power. Wind is created when the sun heats up different areas of the surface of the Earth at different rates. You inherently are aware of this if you think about the temperature differences when standing on a black parking lot versus grass in a park. Heat rises and so does hot air. Air above a hot surface will rise and colder air from surrounding areas will rush into to fill the void. This temperature-induced movement creates wind in its most basic form.

To take advantage of the energy, man has produced windmills and turbines that convert the energy into electricity. Modern wind turbines are between 25 and 35 percent efficient at converting wind energy into electricity. Wind power is now the fastest growing energy platform in the world.

Wind is one of the cleanest, if not cleanest, renewable energy sources available to us. What most people don't know is it is also the fastest growing energy sector. Wind is an indirect version of solar power. Different surfaces on the Earth react differently to being hit by sunlight, particular in regards to heat. As sunlight heats up surfaces, they warm up at different rates. The surround air also warms up at different rates, fertilizing the wind process. Temperatures over a body of water like a lake will always be cooler than temperatures over rocky ground. Hot air rises and cool air rushes into fill such voids. As this process occurs, the rushing air manifests as wind and an incredibly cheap and clean energy source. Thank you for reading Renewable Energy Solutions - Wind And Solar Po

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